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Download Source Code
Last updated: January 9, 2001 |
Firestorm – Download Source Code
By downloading any part of this source code, you agree to all of the following:
- The Firestorm source code is the property of A. Lewis Bastian, Jr.
- It is not guaranteed in any way.
- You are free to use it and may modify it for your purposes.
However, any bug fixes
and/or enhancements that you make to it must be communicated to sanbachs.NET
as soon as possible for possible inclusion in future versions.
- If "you are lucky enough to make any real money
(say more than $10K/month) from its use," you must pay
"a small percentage of any gross revenue that using Firestorm technology
has generated" to A. Lewis Bastian, Jr.
- You must cause to appear, clearly visible,
on each web page generated using Firestorm
technology the text
Powered by Sanbachs Firestorm"
(using, for example, this HTML code:
<a href=http://www.sanbachs.net/firestorm/><font face=Arial>Powered
by Sanbachs Firestorm</font></a>)
in a sans serif font, or one of the
images we may provide, linked to the Firestorm home page at
For UNIX-style operating systems, download
(61,488 bytes)
For DOS and Windows-based operating systems, download
(63,140 bytes)
You will also need the
METAD database,
which runs only on DOS and Windows-based operating systems.
(42,612 bytes)
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A. Lewis Bastian, Jr.
Bruce Conrad
Thom Boyer
is a copyright of Novell, Inc.
sanbachs.NET is not affiliated with Novell, Inc.
visitors since November 23, 2000.