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Installation Guide
Last updated: December 5, 2000 |
Firestorm – Installation Guide
Please follow these conventions when installing and using Firestorm:
- Install the source code in a directory named "fs"
- Create a subdirectory of "fs" for each database, with a name
that is in lowercase letters (or digits) and no longer than 5 characters
- Install the METAD database in a directory named "metad" which is
not a subdirectory of "fs"
- Create a subdirectory of "metad" for each database, with a name
that is in lowercase letters (or digits) and no longer than 5 characters.
This name should match exactly the corresponding subdirectory of "fs"
For UNIX-style operating systems,
- verify that the file fs001122.tar.gz is 61,488 bytes
- uncompress it with the command "gunzip fs001122.tar.gz"
- verify that the file fs001122.tar is 399,360 bytes
- extract the source files with the command "tar -xvf fs001122.tar"
- compile the source files with the command "make"
For DOS and Windows-based operating systems,
- verify that the file fs001122.zip is 63,140 bytes
- extract the source files using PKZIP or WinZip
- compile the source files
To install the METAD database on your DOS or Windows system,
- verify that the md001126.zip file is 42,612 bytes
- extract the files using PKZIP or WinZip
- create the METAD database with the command "DPIMP"
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